Monday, September 23, 2024

Senior Discounted

by G. Jack Urso 

she was my first

i expected to pay more

no sir, she says, pointing at the sign

by the cash register

“10% Senior Discount”


i get the lower rate

the change rattles around my empty pocket

i would have protested

but a buck is a buck

the cats have to eat

i have to eat


i pass by rows of halloween candy and costumes



school supplies

acne medicine

shaving products



pain medicine

medical appliances

birthday cards

graduation cards

anniversary cards


the full arc of life


i exit the store

the crisp air hits me

its autumn 

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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Old Friends

by G. Jack Urso

did you marry?

she was asked

no . . . no

i never found anyone

it’s fine

it’s fine

i’m standing right there

next to her


like a drone in an apiary

past mating season

they catch up

talk old friends

old loves


what’s new

check, check, and check

all bases covered

brief awkward goodbyes

promises to keep in touch

a quick turn

she catches my eye

asks if anything is wrong

no . . . no

i shake my head

it’s fine

it’s fine 

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