Archeologists piece together
ancient lives by the careful study of artifacts. Bits of bone, clothing, tools,
and art give us an insight into how our ancestors. In the future, archeologists
will piece together dreams and time-specific social-psychological influences by
studying perhaps the most ephemeral of sources: TV toy commercials. The
following video clips at the end of this article from the Aeolus 13 Umbra YouTube channel feature toy commercials
on American TV from the late 1950s through the 1970s, and period of time
covering the youth of those born during the Baby Boomer era (1946-1964).
Over five hours of advertisements
for toys are included here, and you’ll be hard-pressed to find a duplicate
commercial in the bunch, which only goes to underscore the creativity and
imagination of toy makers in this period. Early on, there are the usual family
board and card games, dolls, cars, and trains, but also toys based on TV
cartoons, military-themed play sets, and action figures. There are also toys
echoing the burgeoning space race of the era, one of America’s more noble
aspirations, and nearly endless variations of Barbie dolls and G.I. Joes.
Despite, or perhaps because of, America being embroiled in
Vietnam in the 1960s and early 1970s, war toys are among the biggest selling
items of the era.
These commercials don't just
give us insight into the types of toys available in decades past, but also the
many different manufacturers, some of whom still exist, but many that have
vanished from the marketplace. Additionally, we can also glean some insights
into period-specific fashion, hair styling, and language. Typically, the
commercials feature actors and narrators using a Mid-Atlantic accent while
other regional dialects, such as Southern or Western, are generally avoided
unless character specific. In this way, the commercials provide not just
information about toys, but also help spread a common culture, giving children
from the East Coast to the West Coast and all points in-between more in common
than just the toys on their shelves.
As the commercials continue into
the late 1960s and 1970s, and the Civil Rights-era emerges, the all-white cast
gets some color as African-American children get featured and dolls and action
figures accordingly manufactured on a wider scale, and sold alongside with
their Caucasian equivalents — achieving a racial integration in the
marketplace, if not always in real life. In this way, toy manufacturers helped
sensitize the public and soften the ground for wider acceptance of integration
by the next generation. Naïve, yes, but civilization moves forward in such
incremental steps.
![]() |
Games like Mystery Date not only reinforced
societal expectations for girls, but also what kind of “man” a boy should be. |
While obviously an idealized
version of everyday life is presented, collective hopes and fears can be
surmised from studying the commercials. The variety of military-themed toys,
from guns, action figures, and playsets is a curious phenomenon in a world that
just saw millions die in two horrible World Wars. Just as boys are being conditioned
for war, so are girls are being conditioned to serve as homemakers and mothers
with games like Mystery Date, the Easy Bake Oven, doll houses, and dolls of all
sizes. This is not always a negative thing in and of itself, but the gender
roles in this era are fairly specific and limited.
Tie-ins of cereal company
brands like Cheerios, Trix, and Lucky Charms, with TV cartoon characters
like Yogi Bear, Alvin and the Chipmunks, and Dudley Do-Right show that cross-promotional
mechanizing are not new ideas. Most, however, are simple classics like Big
Wheels, Hot Wheels, Frisbees, Hulu Hoops, Inch Worm, Creepy Crawlers, Crazy
Straws, Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots, Barbies modeling a variety of new roles with
each generation, and G.I. Joes with fuzzy hair and Kung-Fu grip.
For most people, these
commercials are quaint reminders of a fast-growing, post-war America that no
longer exists — and perhaps never quite actually existed as we'd like to remember it — but whether you are researching mid-20th century popular culture as presented in
TV toy commercials, enjoying a bit of nostalgia, or just having a laugh at what
your parents and grandparents played with as children, put up a chair, pour
yourself a bowl of your favorite sugar-laden cereal, and enjoy!
Retro TV Game and Toy
Commercials 1.0 — 1:47:50Retro TV Game and Toy
Commercials 2.0 — 57:20
Retro TV Game and Toy
Commercials 3.0 — 18:19
Retro TV Game and Toy
Commercials 4.0 — 59:56
Retro TV Game and Toy
Commercials 5.0 — 49.12
Retro TV Game and Toy
Commercials 6.0 — 38:37
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