Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Last Stand Hill Monument, Montana, May 1990

by G. Jack Urso

“Last Stand Hill Monument, Montana,” by G. Jack Urso, (May 1990).


Friday, September 9, 2022

Rabbit in the Early Morning at the Little Bighorn National Battlefield Cemetery

by G. Jack Urso 

"Rabbit in the Early Morning at the Little Bighorn National Battlefield Cemetery,"
by G. Jack Urso (May 1990). Click for larger image.

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Wide Montana Skies Over the Little Bighorn

by G. Jack Urso 

“Little Bighorn — The Struggle Continues,” by James Mishibinijima.


swirling like water around rocks

tombstones scattered like the pale

white seeds of a withered dandelion

blown over the Earth


weeds that grow over graves

steal life from the planet

yet blossom still

Last Stand Hill, photographed by G. Jack Urso (May 1990).
Click for larger image.
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