Thursday, July 2, 2020

We Shoot Them

by G. Jack Urso

We have a warrant

It says to freeze

Say your prayers

Down on your knees


We shoot them in the streets

We shoot them on sight

We shoot them in the dark

And in the broad daylight


We shoot them when their hands are up

We shoot them when they’re down

We shoot them standing up

We shoot them on the ground


We shoot them if they’re proud

We shoot them if they’re brave

We turn the cameras off

And say they misbehaved


We shoot them if they’re young or old

We shoot them if they’re gay

We shoot them when they’re standing up

And when they run away


We shoot them in their homes

We shoot them in their bed

We shoot them while they’re dreaming

Dreams already dead


We shoot them going out for dinner

And while they're eating ice cream

We shoot them during traffic stops

And remember them in memes


We shoot them on their feet

And force them to their knees

We strangle them until they say

 "Stop, I can't breathe."


They ask for help

From their neighbors and the law

But the president calls them "Sons of Bitches"

For protesting it all


The world keeps turning

Tumbling and rolling

Close your eyes

And let them rest

Keep scrolling

Keep scrolling

It’s what we do the best


1 comment:

  1. This gives meaning to the phrase "poetic justice". Well done.
