by G. Jack Urso
Some years ago, one of my students
submitted a draft of a comparison and contrast essay whose thesis was that
Evangelical Christians were the only real Christians and Catholics, who were
not really Christians, would be going to hell. I should note that this was a
two-year public community college, not a religious school, so I thought it an
odd choice.
Actually, I thought why in the
name of God would this kid think the topic was a good choice, particularly considering
he knew nothing about me. However, having been both Catholic and Evangelical in
my increasingly distant past, he was walking into a trap of his own making. The
line from Hamlet about someone
getting “hoist by their own petard” came to mind.
I was familiar with this type of
behavior having seen it throughout the churches I attended. This arrogance was
a sort of sociopathic narcissism. His need to proclaim his faith was greater
than his desire to actually practice it. It reminded me about how some Plains Indians
would “count coup” by getting close enough to the enemy to hit them with a
stick and then ride away without fighting. Kid Christian wasn’t interested
in debating his ideas. He just wanted a religious hit-and-run so he could go back to his tribe and show what a great man of faith he is.
I have had many students of many
faiths in my classes who wrote about their religions, but never one who
asserted people of another religion were going to hell. The assignment was a comparison
and contrast essay and I told the students they could compare apples and
oranges or cats and dogs. I didn’t care. I just need to see how they write and can
provide documentation for their ideas.
In reviewing his rough draft with
him, I noted the assignment required two sources for support for his ideas, and
he provided none, so I asked him where he got this information. He said a
teacher at his small Evangelical high school taught a class on comparative
religion, though it seemed to consist primarily of who would be going to hell
and why. Other than that, he had no sources, and at least two were
His reasoning was that since he
knew what he believed he didn’t need to find any sources. I reminded him that it
was not an option he could disregard because he found it inconvenient. The
sources could be books, magazines, journal articles, etc. In fact, he didn’t
even quote the bible. The essay was just a list of “stuff he heard from his
high school teacher.”
I asked him to tell me more about
the school he attended and I knew it. My small Evangelical high school played
his small Evangelical high school in soccer — and regularly beat them — oh, so
many years ago. Rural and in the middle of nowhere, there was little diversity
of religion or race in the area.
I make a point to avoid discussing my personal opinions
on politics or religion in class, so my earnest young student really had no idea what was
coming. When I revealed that not only was I raised Catholic and received four of the sacraments, but I also
attended Protestant non-denominational Evangelical churches in my youth and graduated from an Evangelical
high school and college, the look on his face, which until then had been quite confident,
suddenly dropped. He realized I was the absolute last person he could try and
run this essay by.
Much to his surprise and
consternation, he discovered I could quote the bible as extensively as he could as I proceeded to trade him scripture for scripture. Not only had I
been Catholic and Evangelical, but I was now agnostic. I was pretty much this student's nightmare.
Now, I don’t mind being told to go to hell — there’s a long waiting list — but
telling me I’m going there in the context of a comparison and contrast paper in
a public community college seems a little off-topic.
I gave him the benefit of the
doubt it wasn’t his intention to insult me, entirely, but something about the
road to hell being paved with good intentions comes to mind. As he mulled over what I said, I could tell that the lesson was sinking in. Don't go into someone's house and tell them they're going to hell, especially if they know the bible better than you.
Nevertheless, the issue
was that he essentially wrote an argumentation and persuasion essay, not a
comparison and contrast essay. We don’t do argumentation until Comp II, and I
told him if he handed it in as is the essay would be graded by criteria we haven’t covered, so combined
with the lack of sources if he handed in the paper as is it would likely get an
However, it’s a free country and
he’s paying the tuition, though I suggested if he wants to tell me I’m going to
hell he better have some very good sources because, frankly, I was predisposed not to believe his thesis.
He got the message and decided to
rewrite the final draft as a straight comparison and contrast paper between
Catholicism and Evangelicalism and avoided the discussion of hell except how each
defines it. He dug up some sources and got a B-.
It was a reluctant change of
course for him, but he did it and that was perhaps the best lesson he could
have learned through the whole experience.
That and never telling your
teacher he is going to hell.
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I liked the comparison with the native American club ritual. There are many connections between cultures, if one looks for them instead of differences. Hats off to the student for changing direction, and hats off to the teacher for guiding him.